Specifications (each unit)
Dimensions 4.5″H x 2.75″W x 2″D
Weight 6.6 ounces per unit
Electrical Requirements 110VAC or Car Adapter (for Corded Units)
Power Consumption <4 watts
Coverage Area Per Unit 800 Square Feet (Whole House System: 3200 Square Feet)
O3 Output < 0.01 PPM
System Shipping Weight 1.8 lbs.
Warranty 1 year
Why do I need an air naturalizer?
Clean air is important for everyone’s health. Air quality can be significantly more important to certain people, such as babies, seniors, and those with respiratory issues. Americans spend approximately 90% of their lives indoors, which can be the dirtiest air we breathe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that, on average, indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air.
What causes indoor (or vehicle) air problems?
There are many sources of indoor air pollution within any home, including pets, dust, bacteria and odor-causing particles. The list can also include pollution from tobacco use, exhaust, central heating and cooling systems and even humidification devices. Outdoor pollution can even creep in and affect the quality of air inside the home. Inadequate ventilation can increase the pollutant levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air and not carrying enough pollutants out of your environment. For more information, please visit the EPAs website: www.epa.gov
How much will my electric bill increase?
We doubt that you will even notice a difference on your electric bill from the AirRestore. The Air Naturalizer consumes only 3 watts of energy on the highest setting. To compare, a typical lamp consumes about 60 watts. So even with the AirRestore Systems running continuously, improving your air quality will not create a significant difference on your electrical bill.
How do I change the filter?
You don’t! There are NO FILTERS to change, buy or upkeep. AirRestore Air Naturalization technology is designed to go out and get pollutants, rather than just filter the air that happens to pass through it. The only upkeep required is a quick cleaning every few months, or as necessary, depending on the level of pollutants in your air. Cleaning the Air Naturalizer is a simple as swiping between the vents with a cotton swab to remove the debris that can collect as it works.
Where should I put my AirRestore?
In your vehicle, use the handy mounting rack to place your Air Naturalizer in the best location. In your home, the optimal location depends on your essential air quality goals. For allergy sufferers, the ideal location would be in your bedroom considering most people spend 1/3 of their life in there. If your allergies are caused by your pets, you may want to keep the purifier where your animals spend most of their time to help control their dander. Odor control is as simple as keeping the AirRestore near the source of the odor: litter pans, kennels, kitchens, bathrooms, garages and garbages…the list goes on. Ideally, give your AirRestore room to breathe. Air circulation helps the Air Naturalization process and its effectiveness, so oscillating and ceiling fans are fantastic.
Will the AirRestore clean the air for my whole house?
While an individual AirRestore Air Naturalizer is quite effective and can restore the air for up to 800 square feet, indoor air quality should be examined on a room-by-room basis. Air flow and circulation can be limited by walls, doors, tall furniture and other barriers, which can limit the effectiveness and the path of the natural energy produced by the AirRestore. Whole Home Systems are designed to fit your personal air quality concerns with the size and structure of your home or office. Please contact your dealer from the email or phone number listed at the top of the website.