Why Should You be Concerned about Your Body pH?

You Are probably Suffering from Acidosis!

This information is drawn from a variety of sources, and deals with why you should be conscious of keeping your body in proper pH balance.

Dr. Marc Cochran. M.D.  commented on acidosis:  He said that an acidic body is full of chronic pain and illness. “The more acidic you become, the more chronic and the more severe the illness will become”.

The medical community estimates that about 98% of Americans are acidic because of our western diets.  So what?  You ask? Well, here are some of the long term symptoms of acidosis:

Acne, cold hands and feet, food allergies, panic attacks, agitation, bloating, headaches, rapid panting breathing and lack of sex drive.

Those are just the “entry-level” symptoms as acidosis gets worse, the symptoms escalate:

Cold sores, depression, migraine headaches, asthma, hives, swelling, urinary infections, colitis, excessive falling hair, stuttering, numbness, tingling, fungal infections.

Advanced symptoms include Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, all cancers, Hodgkin’s disease, schizophrenia, tuberculosis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis

Clearly, this is not an attractive picture, but if you don’t reduce the acidity level in your body, this could be in your future.  It is important to understand that this is not just Dr. Cochran’s opinion, it is from documented research.  It is all backed up by medical research.


Did you know that disease (including Cancer) thrives in an acid environment and cannot live in an alkaline environment?

Another physician, Dr. William Cowden, M.D. has researched the harmful effects of an imbalanced pH on body systems. Some of his conclusions:

The Circulatory System

During conditions of excessive acidity, bacteria and/or fungi and/or viruses can attach themselves to the inner wall of arteries, which then attracts white blood cells, clotting proteins, clotting cells, etc.  This can cause a plaque to form in the artery, thus narrowing the artery and restricting the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the tissues supplied by that artery.  If the coronary artery is involved, a heart attack can occur.  If excessive acidity is present, calcium, which was mobilized out of the bone to buffer the acid, can deposit in the arterial plaque, thus converting the plaque from soft to hard. The plaque makes the arteries stiff, which can raise blood pressure.

 The Nervous System

Brain cells dysfunction when they are too acidic, resulting in an inability to produce the appropriate chemicals (neurotransmitters) to communicate with adjacent brain cells.  This can result in insomnia, anxiety, depression, neuroses, psychoses and impairment of memory.  Since the brain is supposed to communicate through the spinal cord and other nerves to every cell in the body (heart cells, intestinal cells, muscle cells, glandular cells, etc.), every body system can dysfunction if the nervous system does due to acid/alkaline imbalance.

The Structural System

The calcium stored in the bones is released when serum and soft tissue calcium is used up, binding and neutralizing excess acid in the tissues.  This initial calcium depletion in the muscle can cause muscle cramps.  But as calcium is pulled from the bone to neutralize more acid, the calcium stored in the bones becomes deleted causing osteoporosis, weakened and collapsed vertebrae, poor back posture and back pain.  The calcium mobilized from the bone gets deposited as calcium-acid salts in the joints, leading to degenerative arthritis.

The Digestive System

When the pH is too acidic, the cells lining the stomach and small intestines and the cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing and releasing digestive enzymes dysfunction resulting in indigestion, gaseousness, bloating and abdominal cramping.  Not enough nutrients get absorbed from the food and the entire body can experience malnutrition. Also undigested foods ferment in the intestines causing toxicity.

The Intestinal System

Excessive acidity causes the colon cells to dysfunction, which can result in diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diverticulitis.  The disturbed acid/alkaline balance in the colon can also cause unfriendly microbes to grow and thrive, which can result in colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s) or hemorrhoids.

The Immune System

Immune cells that are too acid do not produce antibodies or cytokines (chemical messengers to regulate other immune cells), and they have impaired phagocytosis (the ability to engulf and destroy microbes).  As a result, the affected individual becomes susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal and other infectious microbes as well as cancer.

The Respiratory System

The binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin protein of red blood cells in the lungs operates only at a fairly narrow pH range. If the pH is too acidic or too alkaline, microbes in the airways can grow much more easily, invade human cells, cause bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc., and in doing so, can result in cough, bronchial spasms (asthma) and increased susceptibility to allergens (hay fever).

The Urinary System

The urinary system helps eliminate toxic waste products from the body.  Women especially (because of their short urethra connecting the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body) have some bacteria and/or fungi in their bladder.  These microbes can grow rapidly if the urine’s pH is not in the proper range most of the time.  In acid-excess conditions, calcium, which is mobilized from the bone to buffer the acid, can form calcium crystals and stones in the kidney collecting system. When these stones dislodge and pass down the urethra towards the bladder, they usually cause excruciating pain.

The Glandular System

All of the endocrine glands produce hormones from enzymatic action.  If the pH is too acidic, the glandular cells cannot produce and release sufficient hormones for the body’s needs.  This results in mood swings, blood sugar imbalances, fatigue, reproductive difficulties, etc.

Weight Loss

When the pH is too acidic, the metabolic enzymes inside the cell do not work efficiently, which impairs the proper breakdown of fats, etc.  For iodine absorption, the pH has to be almost perfect.

“You can thank an overly acid internal environment for the excess pounds you are carrying around.”  — Robert O. Young, Ph.D., The pH Miracle.

Bring your pH back into balance

Clearly, the upshot of this information is that we ALL need to be aware of our diets and our body pH.   Allowing our pH to get out of balance can be extremely harmful to our health.   Our bodies need to be balanced at 7.3 to 7.4 pH for optimal health.

How can we help this happen?  First, be aware of what you eat.   As previously mentioned, our Western diet is highly acidic. We need to eat more green vegetables like kale and spinach and broccoli, and more nuts.   These foods are all alkaline. In addition, avoid beverages that are acidic, like milk AND SODAS.   Did you know that soda’s have nearly the same pH as battery acid…. In many cases less that 3.0 pH.   7.0 is neutral, and anything below that is acidic and over that is alkaline.

A great way to help buffer acid and help your body stay in pH balance is to drink ionized, alkaline water in the 8.5 to 9.5 pH range.  In addition, ionized water is restructured into smaller molecule clusters so your body can absorb it better.  You need to hydrate and the cellular level and smaller water clusters help that happen.

Ionized Alkaline water is also an antioxidant, which not only fights disease, but helps delay and reduce the effects of aging.

The antioxidant value is called ORP or Oxidation Reduction Potential.  It is represented by a positive or negative number. Positive numbers are oxidizing (the process that causes rust) and negative numbers are anti-oxidizing.  The higher the negative number the greater the antioxidant value, hence the better it is for you.  Conversely the greater the positive number, the more oxidizing it is, meaning the worse for you.

A great place to get information about and to acquire an alkaline ionizer is Green Health Technologies.  There are a variety of options – You might want to consider an electronic ionizer unit which also makes low pH (Acidic) water for external use (skin and hair) and for cleaning.  Or, you may want a more portable system which uses NO ELECTRICITY, and can be placed anywhere in your home or office. If you want even greater portability in a smaller size, there is even an alkalizing pitcher availability.

You owe it to yourself and your family (or even your employees) to do everything to optimize your health and live a full, rich life.   LEARN MORE TODAY!

Visit Green Health Technologies website today !

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